Saturday, May 25th & Sunday, May 26
Start Time: 7:00 PM

We'd like to raise as much as we can to help struggling veterans. For $25.00 (if you can give more, please do), you will receive admission to the festival, registration to participate in the walk/run, and a wristband.  Upon completion of the walk/run, you'll receive a special T-shirt made specifically for this event. Parking is not included.

The Veterans Administration (VA) estimates that 22 veterans die by suicide every day, and as many as 950 suicide attempts occur each month among veterans receiving services through the VA. Studies are showing that over 40% of US soldiers returning home from Iraq or Afghanistan suffer from a mental disorder or behavioral problem.

This event will help raise awareness and promote the prevention of this epidemic by bringing the community together to memorialize those lost and let Veterans, their friends, and families know they are not alone. Proceeds from the event go to All Veteran Group.

Have a great day, and see you at the event!!!

First Fruits Farm Memorial Balloon Festival

May 25-26, 2024
2595 E River Rd, Louisburg, NC 27549
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